Music Assistant and Home Assistant: Get config_entry_id
Use Docker (compose) With Different Network Interfaces / VLANs
ChatGPT Search in Alfred
perplexity.ai as the Default (Fallback) Search in Alfred
Flash ESPHome on the Sonoff NSPanel
Amazon SES and Mastodon in Docker
Quick Bookmarks / Clippings in Obsidian
Keyboard Maestro- Lowercase File(s)
Scrape Cloudflare Tunnel With Prometheus
Encouraging The Office Quotes on an e-Paper Display
Cloudflare Tunnel as a Kubernetes Deployment — Ingress
iTerm 2 & tmux & ssh
Tailwind CSS Set a Minimum Font Size
Kubernetes Custom DNS
Limit CPU Frequency on Linux
Fix Kubernetes / k3s DNS on Oracle Cloud
Some hidden RSS feeds
Dynamic Social Previews for Your SPA and HTMLRewriter
Import or Cross-Post Medium Articles Into Jekyll
Cloudflare Workers KV Migrate Between Accounts / KV Namespaces
Authorize Discord Bot with Cloudflare Workers
Some GitHub Actions Tips
Put Your Kindle Vocabulary Into Anki Cards
Tailscale and Plex- Setup Wizard not Running
Get Cloudflare IP Address Ranges in Terraform Without Authentication
Delete Unresponsive Bulb From Ikea Tradfri Gateway
Grafana Authentication with Cloudflare Access
Custom Subdomain for Cloudflare Pages Preview Deployments
Cloudflare Workers: Import / Include HTML Files With esbuild
Scrape RabbitMQ Metrics With Prometheus in Kubernetes
Stream Video From Raspberry Pi to a RTMP Server
restic failed- nonce is invalid error
IKEA Not So Smart Home
Synology DSM 7 Upgrade
Cloudflare Workers: Iterate / Loop Over KV Namespace
Fix oh-my-zsh & Term Copy / Paste Backslashes
Read Fritz!Box DSL Link Speed
Trying to Fix iCloud Drive Syncing Issues
Fix Discourse Browser Search
iterm2 Disable Command + Return Shortcut
(Waveshare) ESP32 Driver Board With Micropython and V2 7.5inch Display
Email to Discord Webhook with Amazon SES and AWS Lambda
Homebridge Reliability
Cloudflared / Argo Tunnel on a Raspberry Pi Zero
host header override cloudflare tunnel
kubectl debug
nextcloud reverse proxy http/https mismatch (SSO, LDAP config)
kubernetes ingress-nginx CORS with multiple origins
cloudflared Argo Tunnel with Docker
autofs - mount directories when needed
annoying pin number requirements
Cloudflare DNS over TLS (DoT)
pi-hole in docker & cloudflared DNS-Over-HTTPS (DoH)
hetzner dedicated server with btrfs
hetzner cloud server ipv6 & wireguard
rancher kubernetes with wireguard network interface
smart home camera annoyances
apple homekit
zerotier: connect two synology nas
state of file syncing software in 2020
git-backed hosting for your notes
linux desktop
firefox multi-account container
Secure ShellFish and Syncthing: my very own dropbox replacement
obviously the best note taking setup