this blog was supposed to be a public journal documenting me moving from Germany to the United States, writing about things I experienced there. Now, a couple of years later, I’m back somewhere else and have written nothing. In the meantime, I also had other ideas, so I’ll use this just as a public blog like everyone else did back in 2010.

other stuff:

  • - my spin on a pastebin site
  • this is a page where I keep short and concise learnings regarding various macOS and linux tools. how to use them, some commands I always forget about, and what they do, etc.
  • reddit2markdown - an attempt to convert reddit posts, comments, and wikis to markdown
  • saveify - three easy controls for spotify: play the previous/next song, like/dislike a song
  • aaia - a as in alfa - convert a word into the phonetic alphabet version to spell things over the phone
  • sim, somehow I manage - a random list of The Office quotes
  • id - generate random ids, I probably needed that at some point for an iOS shortcut


you can send in a comment to the email address at the bottom of this page.